During summer heat waves, your AC system is working at its hardest to keep you cool. Maintenance is important when your air conditioning is being used the most. By following a few simple rules and doing the right maintenance, you will be able to avoid costly repairs during the hottest days of summer. Here are some tips that will help ensure your AC is working efficiently all summer:
1. Program the Thermostat for Higher Settings and To Turn Off at Night
During the summer months, you want to make sure your AC is programmed for optimal efficiency. Since your AC is working harder during the hottest days of summer, adjust the settings a few degrees higher. In addition, program the AC to only come on during the middle of the day when it is hottest outside.
2. Change the Filter And Clean the Exterior AC Unit More Often During Extreme Heat
Changing the filter is one of the most important tasks that you need to do for your AC, and during heatwaves, it is a good idea to do this more often. In addition, the hot summer months also mean that debris and pollen can cause the coil and other components of the outdoor unit to become dirty. Clean the outdoor AC unit to remove debris and ensure it is working efficiently during summer heatwaves. Wait until the temperatures are lower to do the cleaning, such as in the early morning or late evening hours.
3. Use Heat Convection and Ventilation to Cool Your Home During Cool Hours of The Day
Usually, the temperatures at night are cooler than during the day. To help keep your home cool, use heat convection to provide your home with passive cooling. The heat will rise, so opening high windows will allow heat to escape and cool air to come into your home. If you have an attic fan, turn it on for a few hours at night and in the morning to ventilate your home with fresh, cool air. You may want to invest in a small weather station with outdoor temperatures to help decide the best hours to open the windows and let the heat out of your home.
With a few good practices and regular maintenance, you will need fewer repairs to your AC and it will not fail when you need it most. Contact an HVAC contractor to help with service maintenance and repairs to ensure your AC is keeping you cool this summer. To learn more, contact a company like Scott's Heating & Air Conditioning Services.
Share25 April 2017
Working with HVAC contractors is an important part of being a homeowner. Not only do your contractors ensure that a new system you buy is properly installed, but they also ensure optimal performance throughout the years through a series of regular inspections, maintenance services, and repairs. But there are lots of things you can do in between your contractor's visits to ensure that your HVAC investment is always in tip top condition, aside from cleaning out the air filters. After working with my dad for more than a decade in the HVAC business, I've put together a few methods homeowners can use to maintain a well working system, and I have published those tips and tricks right here on this blog. I hope some of the information you find here helps you on your journey as a homeowner!