Is It Time To Replace My Furnace?


Even though furnaces can last a really long time — anywhere from 18 to 20 years, on average — there comes a point when you have to consider whether or not it's time to replace your unit. That choice becomes even more important in the middle of winter when temperatures are dropping and the plumbing in your home could potentially freeze. Still, deciding to spring for a furnace replacement can be a big decision, so we've compiled a few questions that you can ask yourself to help make the right choice at the right time.

How Old Is Your Furnace?

As mentioned above, furnaces can last nearly 2 decades with proper maintenance and proper repairs, but that doesn't mean that every furnace will make it to that point. Once they hit the 10-year mark, furnaces will start to encounter a number of different problems; even if they're not all huge, they can still add up quickly. The average cost of a furnace repair is around $300, so it doesn't take that many to add up to the cost of a new furnace, which can be anywhere from $2200-$3800. A good rule of thumb is to consider how expensive the repairs are and measure them up against the price of a new one. If it's more than 50%, schedule a furnace replacement instead.

How Serious Is the Furnace Repair?

While several small repairs can be a problem, it only takes one or two major issues, combined with the age of the unit, to push you over the edge into replacing it entirely. A motor that has blown, for instance, can be a significant repair bill, as can be replacing the heating elements that are inside the unit. If you decide to go with a brand-new furnace instead of just replacing these items, it may seem like a sizable investment, but you should take heart in knowing that your unit is protected against any repairs in the near future by a warranty that will come with your new system.

Do You Want to Upgrade?

In some cases, people decide to replace their furnace, not because they have to, but because they want to. A brand-new furnace can boost your home's resale value; even if homebuyers don't look for furnaces, they'll certainly avoid a home that has a faulty one. Additionally, with furnace technology advancing at the rate that it is, many homeowners will schedule a furnace replacement because they want to take advantage of increased energy efficiency or additional features. If you are looking to upgrade your home's furnace anyway, then doing so instead of scheduling another repair makes a lot of financial sense.


8 December 2020

Keeping up With Maintenance Between HVAC Inspections

Working with HVAC contractors is an important part of being a homeowner. Not only do your contractors ensure that a new system you buy is properly installed, but they also ensure optimal performance throughout the years through a series of regular inspections, maintenance services, and repairs. But there are lots of things you can do in between your contractor's visits to ensure that your HVAC investment is always in tip top condition, aside from cleaning out the air filters. After working with my dad for more than a decade in the HVAC business, I've put together a few methods homeowners can use to maintain a well working system, and I have published those tips and tricks right here on this blog. I hope some of the information you find here helps you on your journey as a homeowner!