Furnace Repair: Common Warning Signs to Look Out For


Imagine waking up in the middle of the night to a room that is so cold that two duvets and a blanket are not enough to keep you warm. If you crank up the heat on your furnace, you may realize that the noise or foul smell from your unit was an indication something is amiss.

A furnace, commonly referred to as a boiler or a heater, is a heating unit used to provide heat to a building. For people living in areas where the temperatures go to negative degrees, a furnace is an essential commodity to have within the home.

Just like any other machine, a furnace is liable to break down or reduce efficiency. This calls for frequent maintenance and repair to ensure that it continues to run at optimum capacity. Here are a few warning signs to keep an eye on.

Water Leaks

A clogged condensate line could be the probable reason surrounding the accumulated pool of water beneath your unit. There are two possible leaks your furnace can have: water or gas. A water leak is less harmful compared to a gas leak.

Any leak should be immediately addressed by an HVAC contractor who will inspect your unit and appropriately repair it.

Gas Leak

You can quickly identify a gas leak in your unit through a foul smell that emanates from it. Once you detect any bad smell, it is advisable that you immediately switch off your unit, open the furnace and close the gas supply valve.

Avoid lighting any matches once you detect the leak, and contact an HVAC contractor for the furnace repair.

Faulty Thermostat

If you need to turn the heat higher for your home to be warm enough, this is a clear indication that something is wrong with your furnace. A thermostat works by communicating to your heating unit the amount of heat it needs to produce to keep your home warm.

A malfunctioning thermostat may arise due to electrical issues such as blown fuses, loose wiring, or a circuit breaker that may have tripped. You need to call an HVAC contractor to inspect what the problem might be. Avoid trying to fix the thermostat due to the risk of electric shock.

No, Constant, or Frequent Cycling

A well-functioning unit should run continuously without repeatedly turning on and off. A clogged filter or improper circulation could be the reason behind your unit's inefficient cycling.

High Utility Bills

If you're experiencing higher electric bills than usual, it could be an indicator that your furnace needs repair due to heat losses.

Contact an HVAC contractor to inspect your ductwork which might be one of the causal factors contributing to your skyrocketing bills.


Your furnace repair might seem like an easy fix. However, you must engage an accredited furnace repair contractor for the repair. Self-repair can void your unit's warranty.


5 May 2021

Keeping up With Maintenance Between HVAC Inspections

Working with HVAC contractors is an important part of being a homeowner. Not only do your contractors ensure that a new system you buy is properly installed, but they also ensure optimal performance throughout the years through a series of regular inspections, maintenance services, and repairs. But there are lots of things you can do in between your contractor's visits to ensure that your HVAC investment is always in tip top condition, aside from cleaning out the air filters. After working with my dad for more than a decade in the HVAC business, I've put together a few methods homeowners can use to maintain a well working system, and I have published those tips and tricks right here on this blog. I hope some of the information you find here helps you on your journey as a homeowner!