3 Signs You Should Replace Your Baseboard Heaters


Baseboard heaters are one of the most common types of home heating systems available, especially in smaller homes or apartment buildings that do not have the space or duct work for forced air systems. However, like all home heating systems, baseboard heaters are susceptible to mechanical failure and reduced efficiency over time due to simple wear and tear caused by age. Understanding the warning signs associated with a failing baseboard heating system can help you identify the problem early so that you can contact a heating services contractor to have them replaced before they fail completely and leave you in the cold.

13 December 2017

3 Tips For Restaurant Equipment Repair And Maintenance


When you want to be sure that you're getting the most from your restaurant business, it pays to start caring for the equipment. By staying on top of the repairs inside your restaurant, food will be prepared properly, customers will be happy and you'll avoid health and safety problems. To this end, it pays to get the help of a restaurant equipment repair contractor that can assist you. Start out by following these guidelines, and don't hesitate to contact someone that can give you help.

3 November 2017

Maintaining Your Furnace


It is very important that your heating system is working properly before you go into a cold winter. It seems that the furnace always wants to go out during the coldest part of winter, and that is mostly due to the fact it is being used so heavily. For this reason, it is a very good idea to have parts of your furnace looked at before the winter sets in. If you perform some simple maintenance then your furnace may last longer during the winter.

27 September 2017

How Pets Affect Your AC


If you have a pet, say a dog or a cat, in the house, then your air conditioner (AC) requires a little more tender loving care than an AC in a house without a pet. This is because pets increase the risk of damage of air conditioners and also dirty it faster than usual. Here are some of the reasons for these increased risks: Pets Shed Dander and Hair Pets shed some flecks of skin and hair that accumulate in the air and find their way into the AC filters and ductwork.

12 September 2017

Toilet Keeps Backing Up? You May Have A Clogged Closet Bend


If your toilet keeps backing up, even after you used a plunger to unclog it, you probably have a clogged closet bend. If the closet bend clogs up with solid debris, water and waste will back up into your toilet's trap. When you flush the toilet, wastewater can slowly overfill the bowl. With the information below, you can try to unclog the closet bend yourself.  What Does the Closet Bend Do?

29 August 2017

Information All Homeowners Should Have About Air Conditioning Systems


Without an accurate understanding of air conditioning systems, you may find yourself struggling when it comes time to make important decisions about these systems. Enhancing your knowledge about these essential systems can provide you with valuable advantages when you find yourself needing to make maintenance or replacement decisions about your system. What If Your Air Conditioner Is Unable To Adequately Ventilate The Structure? In addition to cooling your home, an air conditioning system will also be responsible for ventilating the house.

9 August 2017

Tips To Help You Keep Your Home Cooler By Maintaining Your Air Conditioner


Your air conditioner compressor that sits outside your home may be in the background and go unnoticed all summer long as long as it works to cool your home, but it needs maintenance to keep it working as well as it should to cool your home and use less energy. Take some time in the spring before you turn on your air conditioner to clean and maintain its coils and fins.

28 July 2017

3 Tips For Air Conditioning Service


If you find yourself stuck in the middle of July with a busted air conditioner, you're probably going to want quick relief. In order to get through the muggy heat of the summer, you'll need to get in touch with an air conditioning professional who can help keep you cool. To learn a little bit more about working with these contractors and getting your air conditioner fixed, read below.  #1: Get a tune up before running your system

18 July 2017

For a Successful AC Installation, Steer Clear of These Common Mistakes


Life can be full of mistakes, but some mistakes can easily be avoided with the right amount of research and due diligence. Take your air conditioner, for example. A few simple mistakes can easily turn an otherwise simple A/C installation into an expensive and time-consuming mess. The following offers an in-depth explanation of the common mistakes that can happen during an AC installation. You'll also learn how you and your contractor can avoid these mistakes.

3 July 2017

Summertime Doesn't Have To Kill Your Electric Bill


Once that cool air is replaced by the hot summer air, it's time to start cooling the house down so you and your family can be comfortable. The chances are that if you rely solely on the air conditioner to cool your house down, then you are going to see quite a spike in your electric bill. There are ways you can go about helping your air conditioner along so you can keep your home as cool as possible without yanking up the bills.

14 June 2017